As of Friday 10th November women effectively work for free for the rest of the year. This is due to the current gender pay gap between women and men. This pay gap averages out to 18.4 % and has been the same since 2015, despite an Equal pay act being passed in 1970. Equal pay day attempts to bring this gap to the public’s attention.
The question is what can we, as employees, bosses or business owners, do about it? The first thing is to be armed with the facts. Red Tiger Consulting conducted a salary survey in January 2016, with support for the Society for Location Analysis (SLA), to look at all aspects of salaries with regards to location planning practitioners across the UK. This has now been firmly established as the definitive guide to salaries and benefits for UK Location Planning Practitioners.
Our 2016 research showed that the average male salary from the survey was £51,500 per annum compared to an average female salary of £40,250 per annum. That is a gap of £11,250, over 21.8%, which is higher than the national average. This discrepancy was not only seen in the wages though – bonuses are also affected by the gender gap with the average women’s bonus being £4,000, compared to £8,500 for men. This is shockingly less than half.
The 2018 Salary survey will launch in January 2018 and provide the most definitive research into pay for Location Planners. The findings, released in Spring 2018, will confirm whether the gender pay gap is shrinking.
The Survey will also examine a number of new themes, including levels of flexible working and the increased threat of computers/automation on human tasks.
For further information on the pay gap you can visit the Fawcett Society web site:
To receive a copy of the previous salary survey or to express interest in taking part in the 2018 survey please e-mail and we will get in touch.