With Christmas Eve being only a week away (how quickly has December flown!), we thought it would be fun for each of the Red Tiger staff to share any traditions they have on that day. Christmas Eve traditions are a wonderful way to build lasting memories with family and friends, and there are so many things you can do such as watching a special Christmas movie together, attending Midnight Mass or opening one gift each. Let us know in the comments what traditions you have on Christmas Eve!
I sometimes go to the pub on xmas eve, but there are no traditions for me other than putting out a carrot for Rudolph and a mince pie/sherry for Santa! I do miss the Christingle’s Service though – I thought it was a delight as a kid getting a satsuma with sweets on it. Also, of course Murphy has his christmas attire (even if he doesn’t look happy about it)!
We like to go for a meal and drinks on Christmas Eve, and our tradition is wearing matching PJ’s as a family (check out Bruno & Milo in theirs!). We also like to open some early presents together.
A tradition for me is to open a present the night before. When we were kids we would put a carrot for Rudolph and a mince pie and sherry for Santa on the fireplace! Now we like to have drinks in the local pub or with friends at one of their homes (pre-covid times of course). Also – we used to go to Midnight Mass after getting a bit tipsy in the pub!
My family have a tradition of going for an early evening walk as it starts getting dark so that we can go see everyone’s christmas lights. Some of the houses near where we live go all out with the decorations – the entire exterior of the house covered in lights, playing music and even having an inflatable Santa on the roof! Then when we get home we have a big Christmas Eve buffet, eating & drinking in the front room whilst watching a christmas movie or a tv special like Gavin & Stacey! We also have a ‘Christmas Games Competition’, playing a series of different board games over the festive period – it’s a great bit of fun after a few drinks, though we all definitely have a competitive streak…
Cover Photo by Nicole Michalou from Pexels