Throughout my career I have worked in roles where I’ve helped companies make business decisions based on data and information and I now place people in such roles. As we face the most challenging era of our generation, I have been really interested to see how data is being used to try and manage the COVID situation.

Covid and Data
With the next step of the roadmap now delayed, it is becoming even more apparent that data will be used to make the decision as to when we should go to the next phase. Managing COVID has always been trying to find a balance between the National Health System and the Economy which is never going to be an exact science. COVID is here for many years to come and so we will have to live with it and allow data and science to help manage us through it. What started with daily briefings now seems to be moving towards bi-weekly briefings; have always spoken about data on cases, hospitalisations, vaccines etc.
I am no expert in epidemics (not by a long stretch) but my current take on it is that to get out of this phase of lockdown we need to look at how effective the vaccinations are on
a) Slowing the spread of COVID and
b) Preventing serious illness
The new variant (more will naturally follow as the Virus evolves) is spreading very fast and it feels like now there is a race between the virus and vaccinations. I am interested to know what Models the government is using for analysis as the data grows. What they will now be looking for is evidence that if we ease the lockdown and we have more of the population vaccinated, what degree of confidence do we have that society can open without a huge wave of hospitalisations and subsequently deaths? The data so far must be giving some confidence but another few weeks will surely help give even more (and allow many more to be vaccinated).
Data Driven Decisions
All of the above is giving more exposure to data and how it can be used to drive important decisions. This is why I am confident that Red Tiger Talent can grow from strength to strength as the demand for analysts grows exponentially (Excuse the pun).
If you are interested in talking to us about careers in Location Planning, Property Research, Consumer Insight, Economic Development Consulting, GIS and Business Intelligence then please get in touch – it could be the best 30 minutes you could spend career-wise.
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Image: Photo by Pixabay from Pexels